Melvory Lavender cocoa butter

Regular price $34.00

A Soothing and Calming Salve

Contains pure lavender that naturally calms and soothes skin. Made from plant oils and butters that deeply moisturise to maintain happy and healthy looking skin. Has a sweet lavender scent that relaxes, therefore great for bedtime massages to keep your baby comfortable all night long.

Suitable for babies and adults.

A great choice for young families who prefer a natural cream to moisturise extremely dry patches on skin. Very gentle ingredients, no preservatives, fragrances or essential oils. Lots of reviews in the testimonials section.

Texture: Thick Whipped Butter
Smells like: Raw cocoa with a light hint of lavender.

How to use: When skin is awfully dry and uncomfortable, apply 3-5 times during the day. For maintenance of happy skin, apply 1-2 times a day. Best results when applied immediately onto skin after a bath.